- Prefatory note : Solar energy from the perspective of an agronomist / Akira HORIBATA, Associate Professor, KINDAI University

- Featured article : Regional potential for promoting solar thermal energy use
- Purpose of this feature : Atsushi AKISAWA, professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- Current status and potential of solar thermal in japan—Expectations for the use of solar thermal toward a zero-carbon society in 2050— / Kazuki ANADA, Executive director, Japan SolarSystem Development Association
- Simulation and Regional Potential of Residential Solar Thermal System / Mika YOSHINAGA, Professor, Meijo University
- Technical and Economic Potentials of the Solar Thermal Hot Water System / Takashi IKEGAMI, Associate Professor,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Ryusuke SUGIMOTO, Graduate Student,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- Contribution : Launch of University Coalition to Achieve Carbon Neutrality / Hideki KIMURA, Professor, Tokai University
- Research paper
- Visualization and Diagnosis Method of Defective Photovoltaic String Based on the Temporal Variation Characteristics of String Currents in Generation Mode / Ryo TORIHARA, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering, University of Miyazaki, Takafumi KODAMA, Miyazaki Prefecture Industrial Technology Center, Osamu TAKENOUCHI, Professor, Civil Aviation College, Tatsuya SAKODA, Professor, Institute of Engineering Education and Research, University of Miyazaki, Noriyuki HAYASHI, Professor, Institute of Engineering Education and Research, University of Miyazaki
- Introduction of the Laboratory : National Institute of Technology, Tokyo College, Shiroishi Lab.
- News from JSES Committee
- Conference Calendar / Library / JSES Report
- JSES Announcement