- Prefatory note : Looking around at renewable energy of the past, present, and future / Hironao MATSUBARA, Chief Reseacher,Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies

- Featured article : International cooperation on Japan’s photovoltaic technology through IEA PVPS TCP
- International cooperation on Japan’s photovoltaic technology through IEA PVPS TCP / Mitsuhiro YAMAZAKI, Director , Solar Energy Systems New Energy Technology Dept.New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Masanori ISHIMURA, Technical Researcher, Solar Energy Systems New Energy Technology Dept.New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
- Task1:Strategic PV Analysis & Outreach / Izumi KAIZUKA, Director, RTS Corporation, Kyoko MIYAZAKI, RTS Corporation, Akiko MURATA, RTS Corporation, Osamu IKKI, RTS Corporation
- Task12:PV Sustainability Activities / Keiichi KOMOTO, Senior Consultant, Mizuho Research & Technologies, Ltd
- Task13:Performance, Operation and Reliability of Photovoltaic Systems / Tadanori TANAHASHI, Invited Senior Researcher,Renewable Energy Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- Task14:Solar PV in the 100% RES Power System / Yuzuru UEDA, Professor , Tokyo University of Science, Toshiyuki KUROYAGI, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Takeshi MAENO, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Kazuhiko OGIMOTO, The University of Tokyo, Takashi OOZEKI, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- Task15:Enabling Framework for the Development of BIPV / Takuya MATSUI, Chief Senior Researcher ,National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Michio KONDO, Supervisory Innovation Coordinator ,National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- Task17:PV and Transport / Keiichi KOMOTO, Senior Consultant, Mizuho Research & Technologies, Ltd, Toshio HIROTA, Adjunct Researcher, Waseda University
- Research paper
- Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Solar Cells Combining Silicon Nanoporous Particles and Secondary Structured Silicon Substrate / Naoya HASEGAWA, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Denki University, Keisuke SATO, Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Denki University
- Photovoltaic Performance of Chemical Polishing Etching Treated and APTES Modified Si Texture/Organic Polymer Solar Cells / Ryuya NAITO, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Denki Univerity, Keisuke SATO, Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Denki Univerity
- A TG-DTA study of hydration/dehydration reaction cycle of Na2S chemical heat storage materials / Tera MIURA, Faculty of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Kotaro TANAKA, Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Masakazu TAGAWA, Faculty of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Jin ZHENG, Faculty of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology
- Evaluation of frequency and area of consecutive low solar resource days of surface solar energy / Takeshi WATANABE, Research Associate, Center for Climate Change Adaptation, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Kazutaka OKA, Center for Climate Change Adaptation, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Yasuaki HIJIOKA, Center for Climate Change Adaptation, National Institute for Environmental Studies
- Technical paper
- Study on Natural Energy Usage and Energy Independence in Wooden Detached House (Part3) Evaluation of Outside Air Load Reduction by Roof Thermal Collection and Energy Independence by Solar Power Generation and Storage / Toshiaki KOIZUMI, Toshiba Corporation, Toyohiro NISHIKAWA, Professor , School of Architecture, Kogakuin Univ., Dr.Eng., Masanori MOCHIDA, Professor, School of Architecture, Musashino Art.Univ., B.E., Hiroo MARUYA, President of Arts and Architecture
- Introduction of a Laboratory : Ikeda Lab, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering Konan University
- Information of the 11th General meeting of JSES
- 2020 Activities and Financial report/Activities and Budget Plan for 2021
- Special lecture : Case Studies of Virtual Power Plant in US. and Europe / Shigeru BANDO, Senior Research Scientist ,Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
- News from JSES Committee